Full System can quickly pay for itself in terms of increasing
revenues and lowering expenses. Here we present three
dollars-and-cents arguments in
support of its value.
Increase revenues by selling more licenses
Our customers see an increase in licenses sold. To support this, we looked at increases in the number of annual licenses. We considered all customers as of the end of year 2012 and up to the first five years our system was in place for each. The first year the system was in place for a customer was the year in which it was in operation at least six months. For a given customer, we measured the increase relative to the number of licenses in the year just prior to the first year of our system. In a few cases, customers had provided us incomplete or partial licenses data. We excluded these numbers as they inflated results and used as starting numbers the first year our system was in place.
The average relative increases for years one to five were
year 1: 2.3%
year 2: 3.2%
3: 7.0%
year 4: 15.4%
year 5: 18.5%
Obviously, a number of factors could have contributed to the increases. Our system did not do it alone, but we are confident it helped. This is primarily related to having accurate and available license information to make compliance activities -- such as notifying deliquent owners or doing neighborhood sweeps -- more effective. Other reasons cited by customers were the improved conveniece of our pre-filled applications and being able to order online.
Below is a calculator to estimate how much additional annual revenue is brought in by increasing license sales. Try plugging in your numbers. The calculator assumes only annual licenses are sold, so you need to make some assumptions if you sell licenses of different durations or kinds. Obviously, the results are not guaranteed, but are intended to give you an idea of what even a relatively small increase in percentage sales can mean for revenues.
Reduce expenses through improved efficiency
Our Full System can bring direct savings to you and indirect savings to dog management in your community.
Below is a calculator having an example of each. One is a direct savings on labor. The savings is achieved in speeding up the processing of renewal applications. The other is an indirect savings for police, Sheriff, and animal control related to the intake and boarding of dogs in those instances when license records are unavailable, such as on nights and weekends. These are just two examples. Other savings customers have told us of relate to lower postage, elimination of special forms and equipment, and no re-keying of applications sold by outside agents.
Try plugging in your numbers. The calculator assumes only annual licenses are sold, so you need to make some assumptions if you sell licenses of different durations or kinds. Obviously, the results are not guaranteed, but are intended to give you an idea of the kinds and amounts of savings possible.
Low relative cost, much lower than can be done
An effective licensing system can improve compliance, thereby increase revenues, and reduce expenses. Our Full System does both and at a very low cost relative to overall licensing revenues.
Below is a calculator which estimates the annual cost of the system relative to annual licensing revenue. Try plugging in your numbers. The calculator assumes only annual licenses are sold, so you'll need to make some assumptions if you sell licenses of different durations orkinds.
Consider the I.T. costs of other services you provide comparable in volume and burden as dog licensing. These can include hardware and software purchases; software development and maintenance; installation and updating; network service; power and environment; back-up and redundancy.
We ask you, what other service has as low a relative I.T. cost as our Full System?
If you have bought or built a licensing system comparable to ours, how does its value compare?
For a proposal or more information, please contact us.